Enneagram VS DISC: Systems & Assessments Compared

The comparison between the Enneagram and DISC personality assessments can be difficult for the layperson. There are so many different types of personality tests in the market, so understanding them can surely be challenging.

This can lead to individuals missing out on the many benefits of personality assessment tools, such as understanding your behavioral patterns and unlocking your strengths.

Fear not, though: this article will help you understand the key differences and similarities between the Enneagram and DISC models.

Tests Compared: The 9 Type VS The 4 Type

On the surfaces the Enneagram and DISC tests may seem like extremely similar tests. After all, they are each tests which measures personalities with a relatively similar question style.

However, it is crucial to understand the differences between these assessments to gain further valuable insights from them.

One of the key differences between these tests are the categories of personalities within each test. With the Enneagram, you are categorized into one of 9 personality types. There are two subtypes that come with each personality result as well.

You can classify these types into broader personalities based on core motivations. These three main overarching categories for the Enneagram are people who respond with their head, heart, and body.

Knowing your overarching type can help you better understand the key to motivation for you as well as your decision making style.

On the other hand, the DISC personality test evaluates individuals on just 4 traits. The model is based on seeing your levels of dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness, rather than assigning you a personality type like with the Enneagram.

Every DISC personality is unique, with different core values, extraversion scores, introversion scores, and motives for action.

Compared to the HIGH5

There are lots of personality tests available online. You may have heard of some, but there is another highly popular assessment you should be aware of: HIGH5. Unlike the Enneagram and DISC tests, the HIGH5 is strictly a strengths test.

This means that your weaknesses are not directly discussed on the test. The HIGH5 assessment will ask you a series of questions to determine what your core strengths are.

From there, those key strengths are aligned with a strengths personality type. For example, if you some of your top individual strengths are analytical and involve problem-solving, one of your top personality matches could be “Analyst,” “Thinker,” or, “Philomath.”

Test Structures: 4 Domains VS Dominant & Secondaries

Another major difference between the two categorizations of personality types is the structure of each test. The structure behind each personality theory can greatly impact the results of the assessment, so it is crucial to understand.

The DISC assessment tests you in 4 domains to understand your personality style. These 4 domains are related to dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness.

In other words, the test quantifies your levels of each of these characteristics. They do not have any subcategorizations but rather use broader metrics.

The Enneagram provides insight into personality types differently. They find your primary type of personality by identifying your greatest personality factors and matching it to one of 9 overarching Enneagram personality types.

From there, they will also identify a secondary type you match with based on your less developed skills and how you responded to the queries.

In both systems, there are ways to further break down your results (such as by looking at Enneagram subtypes or specific levels of D, I, S, or C in DISC). They both help you understand your top personality qualities.

Compared to the HIGH5

Compared to the HIGH5, the Enneagram and DISC assessments are both quite different. The basic types of personalities included within each of the popular tools are one of the most distinct differences.

While the DISC personality test uses 4 domains and the Enneagram uses 9 (with 2 subtypes each), the HIGH5 test has 4 main strengths domains. Within each of the 4 domains, 5 sub-strengths are included.

HIGH5 provides a balanced view of your strengths and personalities. It gives detail through including a wide array of strengths, but communicates them in easy to understand results.

By understanding these strengths, your personal growth journey will be much smoother.

How To Read the Results? Personality Traits VS Behavioral Patterns

Another fundamental difference between the Enneagram assessment and the DISC test is what the results of each assessment show you. Most people take either test to learn more about their personality, but different dimensions of personality are revealed depending on the test you take.

If you decide to take the Enneagram, you will learn more about your top personality traits. The test will consider your motivators decision making when matching you to personality traits.

Along with each Enneagram result, you can learn more about what your fears are as well. For instance, if you are a Type 1, you will most likely fear being wrong.

Those who take the DISC test get a deeper understanding of their individual behavior. The test includes many questions that depend on how you react to certain stimuli and situations.

DISC gives you a great overview for numerous aspects of behavior in your everyday life. For instance you can learn about your leadership style, communication, assertiveness, and other external behaviors by taking the test.

By taking either of these tests, you will learn an immense amount about your personality. However, each of them just reveals different aspects of your personality. This does not mean one is better than the other. Rather, you should choose the one which suites your unique goals best.

Compared to the HIGH5

While both the Enneagram and DISC tests provide highly valuable personality insights, the HIGH5 test is ultimately the most comprehensive.

By taking the HIGH5 test, you get an in-depth focus into your strengths. You will get laser-focused results that do not just mention personality traits, but rather, your greatest strengths specifically. This can be very useful when implementing a strength-based approach.

In addition to this, the HIGH5 assessment covers how your strengths are applied to your everyday life. It shows how they can motivate you. In this way, it covers both your overall behaviors and personality traits.

What Do Tests Focus On? Healthy VS Mental Patterns

Both of these tests can help you learn more about your thought process, both healthy and unhealthy. However, in addition to the differences previously mentioned, the Enneagram and DISC assessments also highlight different parts of your thinking patterns.

When it comes to the Enneagram, the way you use your thinking patterns can either be healthy or unhealthy. The test result page details signs of both healthy and unhealthy use of these thinking patterns in each Enneagram type.

It is possible for any Enneagram trait to be overdone or used in an unhealthy way. For Thinkers like Types 5, 6, or 7, they may become overly analytical and thus difficult to emotionally connect to when this analytical trait is used unhealthily.

The DISC test is more situation-specific. It will help you understand how certain qualities impact you in particular situations. That way, you can stop bad habits from controlling your future, and instead build up your positive qualities.

Both tests are similar in that they help you understand how you think, process new information, and make decisions. If you want a more comprehensive overview of your thinking style, consider taking both tests to complement one another.

Compared to the HIGH5

Compared to the DISC and Enneagram test, the HIGH5 is specially made for those wanting to use a strength-based approach. You will not get direct information on your weaknesses, as this could cause you to become more negative.

Instead, the HIGH5 will take extra notes on your healthy mental behaviors and how your strengths impact them.

Are the Enneagram Assessment and DISC Test Worth It?

Now that you have a solid understanding for both of these personality assessments, you might be asking: are they worth taking for me?

The answer to that question is highly individualized. Every individual has a unique experience with these tests. It might be more impactful to some individuals than others. In general, though, taking the DISC or Enneagram test is worth it.

These tests only take approximately 15 minutes to finish. Many finish in even less time. In return for these few minutes, you get fantastic insights into your personality.

These insights can potentially very positively impact your career and even your personal life. They can give you more confidence, strategies for achieving personal growth, among other benefits.

Compared to the HIGH5

The Enneagram and DISC tests are fantastic personality assessments. But, when it comes to strengths tests, HIGH5 is unmatched.

The HIGH5 assessment is a great test for anyone seeking to learn more about their strengths and abilities. The test will only take a few minutes of time.

It will provide you with extremely important information on your top strengths to boost your efficiency, goal achievement, relationship experiences, confidence, and overall positivity. Best of all, it is a free test, and has been used by numerous Fortune 500 companies.

Is the Enneagram Test Accurate?

The Enneagram is one of a multitude of online personality assessments. One of the main fears individuals have when taking these online tests is whether or not their results can be trusted.

The reality is that no test can be 100% accurate. This is true of the Enneagram as well. However, there are still many benefits that come with taking the test, and it can be quite accurate for the average person.

For instance, numerous studies have shown the Enneagram to be an accurate personality tool. They have found it to be useful for personal and spiritual growth (1 and 2).

Professional speakers and coaches such as Dr. Ginger Lapid-Bogda have found the test to be effective for career development purposes too, thus showing it must be accurate.

In addition, many Fortune 500 companies use tests like the Enneagram when hiring employees. In the end, the accuracy of the test also depend on you.

You should try to choose a calm and quiet place to take the test. This ensures you can think clearly and thus get the most accurate results. Be sure to be honest with yourself when answering questions, as this could also skew results. If you do this, the Enneagram will likely be a great tool for self-improvement.


Too many people miss out on the opportunities to engage in self-improvement. Many know very little about their personality, and this could seriously hinder their careers.

Both the Enneagram and DISC tests are great online personality assessments to help you learn more about yourself. They can help elevate your career, boost your confidence, improve productivity, and increase your positivity.

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