Insights Discovery vs. CliftonStrengths: Full Comparison of Two Tests

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In the pursuit of self-awareness and development, Insights Discovery and CliftonStrengths stand out as premier assessment tools. But which one will guide you to your true potential? Insights Discovery, grounded in Carl Gustav Jung’s psychological theories, aids individuals in uncovering their unique style and understanding their working preferences. On the other hand, CliftonStrengths provides a systematic assessment to identify and rank personal strengths, driving engagement, productivity, and overall well-being wellbeing. This article will dive deep into the specifics of each model, highlighting their unique benefits and applications and facilitating an informed comparison between the two.

Uncovering CliftonStrengths (former StrengthsFinder)

Assessment approach

Insights Discovery utilizes a color model based on the work of Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, known for his research on psychological types. The model classifies personality types into four colors: cool blue, fiery red, earth green, and sunshine yellow. Each color represents distinct personal preferences and behaviors, and the Insights Discovery assessment identifies the most and least representative of an individual’s traits.

In contrast, the CliftonStrengths assessment, known initially as StrengthsFinder, is underpinned by the notion that people have a unique combination of 34 themes that dictate their inherent thinking, feeling, and behavior patterns. These themes, including Achiever, Strategic, and Woo, are not mere personality traits but integral parts of an individual’s identity.

Application and utility

The application of Insights Discovery is primarily focused on creating better working relationships by understanding one’s own and others’ personality types. With the knowledge of their dominant color, individuals can gain insights into their preferred working style and how they might interact with other personality types. This makes it a valuable tool for team building and professional conflict resolution. CliftonStrengths, on the other hand, aims to improve personal and team performance by helping individuals discover and utilize their unique strengths.

The assessment’s results can be applied in various aspects of life, from personal development to professional growth. Aligning their work with their innate talents increases job satisfaction, productivity, and engagement. The main difference between Insights Discovery and Gallup’s StrengthsFinder lies in their focus areas. While Insights Discovery centers on understanding and improving interpersonal relationships at work, CliftonStrengths is more oriented towards individual and team performance, emphasizing leveraging one’s unique strengths. The differences between Insights Discovery and StrengthsFinder are also reflected in the assessment process: Insights Discovery focuses on exploring one’s communication style and personality. At the same time, CliftonStrengths measures 34 distinct talents and how they can be applied to different contexts.

Compared to HIGH5

Upon examining the Insights Discovery and Gallup’s StrengthsFinder alongside the HIGH5 test, it becomes apparent that all three assessments have a similar goal – to help individuals discover and utilize their strengths for personal and professional growth. The HIGH5 test, however, takes a more holistic approach by incorporating elements of both Insights Discovery and CliftonStrengths.

Insights Discovery uncovered

Insights Discovery is an innovative tool that uses a simple and accessible four-color model to understand an individual’s unique preferences. Developed by Swiss psychologist Andi Lothian in the 1990s, it is based on the psychology of Carl Jung and has been validated by over 4 million people worldwide.

The psychology behind the Insights Discovery system

At the core of an overview of Insights Discovery is Jung’s theory of psychological types. According to Jung, differences in behavior result from people’s inborn tendencies to use their minds differently. Jung identified two pairs of psychological functions: the two perceiving functions, Sensing and Intuition, and the two judging functions, Thinking and Feeling. Insights Discovery adds a third dimension to Jung’s theory, asserting that individuals also naturally prefer extraversion or introversion.

Core principles

The tool is designed around four color energies: cool blue, earth green, sunshine yellow, and fiery red. Each color energy reflects a specific style and preference for interaction, communication, and decision-making.

Understanding the four color energies

Cool blue is analytical, precise, and deliberate. People with a fantastic blue preference tend to be thoughtful, organized, and detail-focused. Earth green represents the caring, encouraging, and sharing personality. Individuals who prefer earth green are often seen as understanding, supportive, and patient. Sunshine Yellow is expressive, creative, and friendly. Those with a sunshine yellow preference are usually optimistic, engaging, and dynamic. Fiery red personas are competitive, demanding, and strong-willed. A taste for vibrant red typically indicates a proactive, assertive, and determined individual.

Leveraging Insights Discovery for professional growth

Understanding one’s color energies and those of others allows for improved communication, better conflict resolution, and more effective teamwork. By acknowledging and appreciating the diverse strengths and challenges of each color energy, individuals and teams can leverage this understanding to foster a more collaborative and productive working environment.

Compared to HIGH5

Comparing the Insights Discovery to the HIGH5 test, both tools aim to help individuals identify and utilize their strengths for personal growth. However, while the HIGH5 test focuses on individual strengths, Insights Discovery takes into account how different personality types interact and communicate with each other. This additional dimension allows for a more comprehensive understanding of oneself and others, ultimately leading to improved relationships and team dynamics.

CliftonStrengths explored in-depth

The CliftonStrengths assessment, formerly StrengthsFinder, is a diagnostic tool established by Gallup, a renowned management consulting company. Its roots trace back to the pioneering work of psychologist Dr. Donald O. Clifton. His study of human strengths and potential led to the creation of this tool designed to help individuals discover and develop their unique talents and abilities. Clifton’s work emphasized a shift from the traditional focus on fixing weaknesses to a more positive approach of leveraging individual strengths.

The psychology behind CliftonStrengths

The underpinning psychology of StrengthsFinder is grounded in Positive Psychology. Rather than focusing on mental illness or deficits, this branch of psychology is concerned with understanding and promoting the factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive. Dr. Donald O. Clifton, often called the “grandfather of Positive Psychology,” devised StrengthsFinder to enhance people’s lives by helping them discover their inherent strengths and encouraging them to use them in everyday activities.

Core concepts of CliftonStrengths

The fundamental premise of the CliftonStrengths assessment is the identification of an individual’s top strengths or “themes,” which are innate patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. There are 34 such themes identified by the tool, ranging from Achiever and Analytical to Woo and more. The belief is that these themes are not just personality traits but are core to an individual’s identity.

Application of CliftonStrengths assessment

Once these strengths are identified, they can be effectively applied to various aspects of an individual’s life, from personal growth to professional enhancement. Understanding one’s strengths can improve productivity, engagement, and overall job satisfaction. It allows individuals to align their work with their natural talents, optimizing their performance and enjoyment.

Team Performance

Moreover, StrengthsFinder is a tool for individual development and a powerful resource for team performance. When team members understand their strengths and those of their colleagues, they can support each other in utilizing their powers effectively. This leads to better collaboration, reduced conflict, and increased team synergy, driving improved performance and productivity on a collective level. An overview of StrengthsFinder helps to provide a big-picture understanding of its application and effectiveness. By exploring the research behind StrengthsFinder, it is clear that identifying individual strengths has a wide array of positive outcomes.

Compared to HIGH5

When juxtaposing CliftonStrengths with the HIGH5 test, it is evident that both tools share a common goal – to help individuals identify and utilize their strengths for improved personal and professional satisfaction. However, HIGH5 goes beyond just identifying strengths. It offers actionable insights and practical guidance on how to apply one’s strengths in various aspects of life.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Insights Discovery model

Insights Discovery is an intuitive tool that offers a range of benefits, but it also has a few downsides worth considering.


One of the most notable advantages of Insights Discovery is its focus on positive psychology. Using color models to create a non-threatening language for self-understanding and interpersonal interaction fosters a constructive approach to personal growth and improved teamwork. It brings to light the unique strengths and working styles of individuals, helping them to leverage their assets and appreciate the diversity of their teams. It’s intuitive and easy to understand, making it accessible to a broad audience and facilitating its integration into personal and professional environments.


Despite its numerous benefits, Insights Discovery has some drawbacks. Its primary disadvantage is its lesser-known status compared to other psychometric tools. This could potentially limit its recognition and application in some professional settings. Furthermore, Insights Discovery assessments can be costly, especially for small businesses or individuals. This might make it less accessible to those who could benefit from its insights.

The tool also requires a certified practitioner to interpret the results, which could add to the overall cost and potentially delay obtaining and understanding your results. On the positive side, the cons of Insights Discovery can be mitigated with proper planning and resources. For instance, organizations can invest in having an in-house certified practitioner to reduce costs and improve the efficiency of the interpretation process. Also, as more people become aware of the benefits of Insights Discovery, its recognition and application are likely to expand.

Compared to HIGH5

Evaluating Insights Discovery in the context of the HIGH5 test, the pros and cons of each tool differ in several ways. While Insights Discovery provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of an individual’s personality and working style, HIGH5 focuses on identifying a person’s top five strengths. Both tools have their own unique advantages and can be used together for a more holistic understanding of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses.

Pros and cons of the CliftonStrengths model

StrengthsFinder, now known as CliftonStrengths, has been a prominent tool in talent management and personal development. Its purpose is to help individuals identify their top strengths, enabling them to harness their potential for maximum productivity and satisfaction.


CliftonStrengths focuses on individual strengths – a unique aspect that differentiates it from many other assessments. HighlightingHighlighting what an individual naturally does best empowers them to work in their areas of strength, leading to increased engagement and productivity. The robust research backing CliftonStrengths is another notable advantage. Gallup, the company behind it, has conducted extensive research over several decades, providing solid empirical support for the tool. This gives users confidence in the validity and reliability of their results.

CliftonStrengths also offers personalized reports and development resources, which provide insights into how one’s strengths can be effectively used in different life and work scenarios. The availability of these resources makes the tool not just a diagnostic instrument but also a developmental one.


On the other hand, StrengthsFinder has a few drawbacks. The first one is its cost. Not everyone may find it affordable to take the full CliftonStrengths 34 assessment, which can prevent some from gaining access to the complete picture of their strengths. Another point of criticism is the tool’s lack of focus on weaknesses. While StrengthsFinder encourages individuals to leverage their strengths, it doesn’t provide as much insight into areas of improvement. This lack of balance could lead to a skewed perception of one’s capabilities, potentially hindering personal and professional development. Finally, the complexity of the CliftonStrengths report can be overwhelming for some users. The detailed descriptions and ranking of 34 themes might be challenging to interpret without guidance, limiting the tool’s utility for some individuals.

Compared to HIGH5

When considering the pros and cons of StrengthsFinder compared to the HIGH5 test, both tools offer unique advantages. While HIGH5 has 20 strengths and focuses on the top five signature strengths, CliftonStrengths provides a more in-depth analysis of 34 themes. Depending on one’s needs and preferences, either tool can be a valuable resource for self-discovery and personal growth.

Practical applications and uses

Before going further into this Insights Discovery vs StrengthsFinder article, let’s explore how Insights Discovery and StrengthsFinder assessments can both influence personal development. These tools foster self-awareness by giving individuals detailed insights into their unique behavioral patterns, traits, and strengths. Insights Discovery, grounded in Jung’s theories, helps individuals identify their personality type and understand their preferred working style. Similarly, StrengthsFinder aids users in recognizing their unique ranking of 34 CliftonStrengths themes. This self-awareness can improve self-esteem and confidence as individuals learn to appreciate their unique talents and capabilities.

Individual growth and development

These assessments are invaluable for personal growth. The detailed reports and development resources help individuals identify areas where they naturally excel and provide strategies for leveraging these strengths. They may reveal untapped potential or strengths individuals weren’t even aware they possessed. Additionally, by learning about their personality type, individuals can better understand others. This newfound understanding can improve personal and professional relationships by fostering empathy and improved communication.

Organizational development and team building

Organizations are another area where these tools bring significant value. Companies use Insights Discovery and StrengthsFinder to facilitate team building and employee development. They help uncover the diverse strengths of a team, promoting mutual understanding and respect among team members. This understanding can lead to more efficient teamwork as individuals learn to appreciate the unique strengths their colleagues bring to the table. Furthermore, these tools can help mitigate conflicts by providing insight into why individuals behave as they do.

Employee development

Employee development is another critical area where these assessments come into play. Companies can tailor training and development programs to fit individual needs by understanding their employees’ strengths and preferred working styles. This personalized approach to employee development can increase job satisfaction and productivity as employees feel more understood and valued in their roles. Moreover, by using these assessments, organizations can identify potential leaders and provide them with the necessary development opportunities. Insights Discovery and StrengthsFinder has wide-ranging applications in personal and organizational development. Fostering self-awareness and understanding of others provides a robust framework for growth and success. The above applications of Insights Discovery and StrengthsFinder show that these tools can benefit individuals and organizations.

Compared to HIGH5

When it comes to practical applications and implications of these two tests compared to the HIGH5 strengths test, there is a fundamental difference. While Insights Discovery and StrengthsFinder focus on identifying an individual’s unique characteristics, HIGH5 focuses on uncovering their signature strengths. Through the HIGH5 strengths test, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves by reflecting on their best selves and discovering their top 5 signature strengths. These strengths are what they are naturally good at, energized by, and give them a sense of meaning.

By applying these strengths in their personal and professional lives, individuals can experience higher life satisfaction and improved mental health. HIGH5’s results are immediately actionable, providing hands-on development insights, watch-out areas, best partner recommendations, and even career suggestions. This helps individuals put their results into practice quickly.

How accurate is the Insights Discovery assessment?

Regarding accuracy, the Insights Discovery tool relies heavily on self-reported data. While this approach has its advantages, it also presents some challenges. Individuals may not accurately assess their behaviors or might answer based on how they wish to be perceived rather than their genuine traits. Despite these limitations, the Insights Discovery assessment has been praised for providing a valuable snapshot of an individual’s preferred styles and personality traits.

Factors influencing accuracy

Several factors can influence the accuracy of the Insights Discovery assessment. For example, the respondent’s honesty and self-awareness play critical roles. The evaluation assumes respondents are honest and have enough self-awareness to reflect their personality and behavior patterns. However, if a respondent lacks self-awareness or chooses to answer dishonestly, the results may not accurately reflect their true nature.

The role of context

Another essential consideration is context. People often behave differently in different situations, which might not be fully captured in the Insights Discovery assessment. For example, an individual might behave differently at work than in a social setting. Despite this, the Insights Discovery tool aims to provide an overall view of an individual’s preferred behavior, which can still benefit many contexts, particularly in the workplace.

Validation and reliability

The Insights Discovery model has demonstrated robust reliability and validity from a psychometric perspective. The reliability of the tool, meaning its ability to produce consistent results over time, has been established through numerous studies. Likewise, the tool’s validity, or its ability to measure what it intends to measure, has been confirmed through research.

How accurate is the CliftonStrengths talent assessment?

When it comes to the accuracy of the CliftonStrengths Talent Assessment, several factors contribute to its effectiveness. One of the main pillars of its accuracy is the comprehensive nature of the tool, which evaluates 34 individual strengths or themes. This extensive list allows for a nuanced and well-rounded understanding of an individual’s natural talents and predispositions.

The role of natural talents

We cannot overlook the pivotal role of natural talents in this assessment. CliftonStrengths doesn’t just measure learned skills or knowledge; it delves deeper into an individual’s innate talents. These are thought, feeling, and behavior patterns that come naturally to a person. By leveraging these natural talents, individuals are more likely to succeed personally and professionally. The accuracy of the CliftonStrengths assessment is also tied to its consistency. A vital characteristic of a reliable psychometric tool is its ability to produce stable and consistent results over time. This means that if you were to take the CliftonStrengths assessment multiple times over some time, your results would largely remain the same, assuming no significant changes in your life.

This means the feedback isn’t generic but explicitly tailored to the individual taking the assessment. It provides tangible and actionable insights that individuals can use to understand themselves better and work towards their growth. While CliftonStrengths and Insights Discovery offer different perspectives, combining these assessments can provide a well-rounded understanding of an individual’s strengths and behavioral preferences. This reinforces that psychometric tools are not mutually exclusive but can complement one another to comprehensively understand an individual’s talents and behaviors.


Integrating the Insights Discovery model and CliftonStrengths assessment provides a robust, multi-dimensional understanding of an individual’s innate talents, behavioral preferences, working style, and personality traits. These psychometric tools, grounded in the theories of renowned psychologists and backed by consistent, reliable data, offer personalized insights that enhance self-understanding, foster personal and professional growth, and improve team dynamics. Individuals and teams can optimize their productivity, engagement, and overall well-being by acknowledging and leveraging these unique strengths and preferences. The amalgamation of these two assessments underscores the complexity and uniqueness of human behavior and affirms the value of a comprehensive, tailored approach to personal and professional development.

In the Insights Discovery vs. CliftonStrengths comparison, both tests offer valuable information, but they measure different concepts. Insights Discovery assesses fundamental personality traits and focuses on communication preferences, while StrengthsFinder evaluates an individual’s greatest talents and areas of strength. Together, these assessments can create a comprehensive picture of an individual that offers in-depth insights into personal strengths and weaknesses.

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