The Strengths Planner: Plan & Track Your Strengths

Strengths Planner is a revolutionary tool designed to empower users through a deep understanding of their innate strengths and to foster the growth of complementary relationships over 90 days. The Original HIGH5 planner is meticulously crafted to guide daily, weekly, and monthly planning and as a beacon for personal and professional development. The Original Strengths […]

Team Strengths & How To Build the Strengths of Your Group

The importance of team strengths lies in the idea that each team member brings something unique and can contribute to a successful project if assigned tasks they are suited for. Recognizing individual strengths makes it possible to assign tasks to team members accordingly – jobs that fit their abilities and interests. This increases the chances […]

15 Effective Ways To Boost Your Team Motivation (2024)

No matter which industry you work in, team motivation is absolutely crucial for reaching your ultimate goals. Motivated teams can accomplish so much more, and they have the skills to reach (even surpass) their true potential. But, few managers are truly effective leaders. Most do not know how to motivate their team. This results in […]

Introduction to Strengths Perspective: In-Depth Guide (2024)

Every individual has a unique perspective on their lives. They have unique problems and strengths, too. When trying to overcome these issues, too many people focus on their weaknesses instead of their strengths. Strengths perspectives are a much greater alternative for self-improvement. The principles behind this idea include positivity and focusing on strengths in the […]

Team Effectiveness – Ultimate Guide for Great Teamwork (2024)

Team effectiveness plays a major role in the success of any company. Without a cohesive and happy team, the entire corporation will be bogged down. Ineffective teams lead to inefficiencies, conflict, and loss of profit. No organization wants that, but few know how to boost their team’s effeminacy. They may think it is too difficult […]

50 Best Talent To Have in 2024: List With Real-Life Examples

Everyone has a unique list of talents and skills that separate them from the rest of the crowd. Your talents are what can help you succeed in a career path as well as in relationships. There are many different types of talents, so it may be overwhelming to find which applies most to you. Too […]

Personal Strengths & Weaknesses Explained with 100 Examples

Understanding your personal strengths and weaknesses can lead to you unlocking a world of possibilities. It can help you find the job that best suits your needs and goals, allows you to build new bonds with others, increases your self-awareness, and offers far, far more opportunities to allow for personal growth and development. It can […]

Teamwork Skills: Definition, Examples & How To Improve Them

Teamwork skills are a crucial element in today’s work environment that employers highly value. Struggling to understand what makes effective teamwork tick and why it’s so important? In this article, we’ll explore the definition of teamwork skills, provide some tangible examples, and offer insights on highlighting them on your resume. By the end of this […]

How to Grow as a Person with Tried and Amazing Ways

Personal growth is a never linear journey but instead marked by highs, lows, and in-betweens. Regardless of the trials or tribulations you’re currently facing, there’s always a path toward betterment. Knowing how to navigate it can make all the difference in finding success in life. In this article, we’ll look at some tips and tricks […]

Personal Values: Meaning, 25 Examples & How To Discover Yours

We all have values that guide us and shape our decisions. These values are deeply held beliefs about what is important in life and how we should conduct ourselves.  Knowing your values is essential for living a meaningful life and ensuring your actions align with what you believe in. Understanding your core values can help […]

20 Poor Leadership Qualities & How To Deal With Them

Thousands of individuals consider themselves leaders. Most of them strive to do their best for their team and are actively engaged in their positions. In reality, though, most managers and leaders are not utilizing their leadership skills to their full potential. A majority of leaders have poor leadership qualities that go unaddressed for long periods […]

20 Student Strengths & Weaknesses: Examples & How to Identify Them

Students are constantly asking about how to grow as a person. After all, the early years are a crucially important period for both personal and career development. Too many students do not have enough resources to reach their dreams. They might end up giving up or even becoming depressed. Being a student is undoubtedly a […]

Negative Character Traits: Types & Examples Of Negative Characteristics

Negative characteristics refer to traits, behaviors, and attitudes generally viewed as unhelpful or undesirable. For people with certain personality types, it can be hard to recognize or accept these aspects of their personality. However, it is important to understand the potential effects of negative characteristics on personal growth and development. In this article, we will […]

Positive Character Traits and Qualities: Types & 100+ Examples

Positive character traits are qualities that contribute to a person’s overall character. They are the building blocks for creating an ethical and moral framework in which people can live. These traits define how people conduct themselves, interact with others, and generally approach life. People possessing positive character traits can be incredibly beneficial for themselves and […]

Identify Personal Weaknesses: Your Path to Growth!

Identifying personal weaknesses can be a challenging task. It involves rethinking unpleasant experiences and having to face your imperfections. This can be a daunting idea, but understanding all of your personality traits, even your negative ones will serve you well in the long run. It can improve your personal life by boosting your self-awareness. It […]

7 Ways How To Identify & Utilize Your Personal Strengths

As you develop your personal strengths, you may start to recognize that many of them are connected. Being able to use your strengths together can often lead to higher levels of success and satisfaction in your life. In this article, we will discuss seven ways for you to identify and use your strengths to maximize […]

15 Employee Strengths & Weaknesses in the Workplace + Examples

Employee strengths can play an immense role in your success while working. They can help fuel you to achieve more, boost your positivity, allow you to feel more confident, and benefit your career in innumerable amount of other ways. However, a plethora of employees never unlock their full potential and overlook their strengths as a […]

30 Leadership Strengths and Weaknesses: Full Guide with Examples

Leadership strengths and weaknesses play an important part in finding success while in a leadership position. Those who know you to properly use their leadership strengths while improving upon their weak abilities often become the best leaders. For many individuals, strength finding involves spending thousands of dollars and going through challenging psychological testing. However, finding […]

Strengths-based Leadership Book: Everything You Need To Know

Strength-based leadership book is one of the most effective and fun ways to learn about self-improvement and growth. They are highly detailed, informative, and even entertaining. Unfortunately, many people avoid buying strength-based books. Some individuals believe there is not enough research to support the idea that these books are highly impactful and accurate. Others think […]

What is the Strengths-Based Approach? Examples, Tools & How To

The strengths-based approach has been recently gaining popularity amongst employees and leaders alike. It has been shown to provide individuals with a plethora of unique benefits. This is especially true if you compare a strengths-based approach with the standard weakness-oriented one. However, many people are still quite skeptical about this approach. They wonder if it […]

Download a team strengths activity (PDF)
Download a team strengths activity (PDF)